PacketFabric Column & News

July 25, CEO will speak at ACCJ Event in Kobe.

How to Penetrate the Wall of “Wa”, Japanese Air – Based Consensus Decision Making

B2B sales in Japan can be challenging. Businesspeople who believe the best route is to identify the appropriate personnel and then persuade them to buy are in for a surprise. In most cases, it can be difficult to find the right person to approach. Beyond that, the salesperson may not understand how the target organization makes purchase decisions. In Japan, most business decisions are made according to the philosophy of Wa, which requires consensus among all stakeholders.

To succeed at B2B sales, one must understand how this agreement is reached and how to maneuver within and influence kuuki (air) to create the consensus needed to close the sale. As counterintuitive as it may sound, you need a guerrilla salesperson to breach the wall. Masaki Okuno, CEO of INAP Japan, will provide a debriefing on how Wa pervades Japanese organizations. His marketing strategist, Julian Israel, will introduce his own sales methodology to penetrate the “Wall of Wa.”

Please join us for this unique opportunity—10 years in the making—to better understand the challenges and solutions of B2B sales in Japan.

ACCJ Events Information

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